Living The Life

Long time no blog, as we say in the blogosphere – well if we don’t, we should.
I don’t really have a good excuse for the lapse other than my time has been taken up with what some of you would call ‘real work’ and others might regard as getting paid for giving my opinion – which if left long enough I’m liable to do for free. (If anyone who has hired me as a consultant is reading this please don’t see this as a Ratneresque moment – you get a much more considered opinion when you pay me, than the rubbish I spout for free).
I was waiting for the British summer to kick-start this blog but I think hell has frozen over a couple of times and may do so again before that happens so I reckon I should just ‘bat on’. (I’ll give you the origin of that marvellous phrase later).
To be honest I have been nudged into action by a friend – and Barefoot subscriber – who is really about to live the life.
After a few years in the TV news business and a few more years in the Comms arena she has resigned from her job, bought a contraption she calls a car and is about to drive wherever her errant sense of direction takes her. I’m seriously impressed.
Here is the announcement she posted on Facebook about her decision (reproduced here with her permission).
Dear all,

In the last thirteen years I have been lucky enough to work with such incredible people – on our ships sailing to the ends of the earth; on the road – sometimes to what felt like nowhere and back again – and in so many of our offices.

I have had the privilege to see the best and worst this planet has to offer and to be able to use my skills to make it just that little bit better, I hope. I have been inspired by so many of you, infuriated by a few; always challenged, supported, entertained, and moved. I have been part of great work and have made great friends.

And I have fallen in love.

So, today I am writing to say thank you to all of you who have given me so much, but my heart and I have a whole new life to live and I’m off!

I leave at the end of June. As for what I am doing next – well there’s a good question. Throwing it all up in the air with joyful, reckless abandonment is the short answer.

Geoff Nimmo and I are going to travel the world for a year or two – maybe more, maybe less; wherever the fancy takes us; for as long or short as we feel. We have a plan, but no itinerary; a purpose, but no fixed intent.

It is going to be glorious, certainly ridiculous, definitely life affirming, absolutely fascinating and utterly irresistible!

Between us we have spent 35 years trying to save this beautiful place – now is our time to enjoy it without also being ankle-deep in toxic shite! Obviously I will attempt to still get Geoff busted on a regular basis, so he can maintain his proud boast of having the longest arrest record in GPAP history.

We will be available for freelance work along the way, so if you need project managers, crisis team managers, a communications strategist, editor, rapid response consultant, meeting facilitator, IT specialist, action coordinator, boat, tank and other big things driver and large dollops of institutional memory then drop us a line – we know lots of stuff and we are fun to have around. &

If you want to follow our adventures, we will have a blog and facebook page and I will let you know the details nearer the time.

I wish you all luck with the on-going reorganisation and no doubt will see at least some of you somewhere down the road.

Rumi, as always, says it better than I ever could: “My head is bursting with the joy of the unknown.” I hope my happiness is infectious – even for just a few minutes of your day. Thanks again for the last thirteen years.

With love and affection.

‘Awesome!’ as our American friends would say. And even more awesome for fellow Barefooters is that she has kindly agreed to guest blog for this site as she and her boyfriend travel around the globe.

Sara will be writing her own blog which I will direct you to once it’s up and running.
I’m sure youll join me in wishing them good health and hope they have many interesting experiences along the way.
In the meantime please share your dream trips and what’s stopping you from ‘doing a Sara’!
Ok, ok, I promised to explain ‘bat on’ as a term of stoic determination.
The term – normally associated with cricket – was overhead while a group of northern gentlemen on a stag weekend was discussing the merits of an early evening nap to create a break between an afternoon’s drinking and the evening’s drinking to follow.
Some of the younger members of the party were advocating a couple of hours recuperative sleep when a seasoned and more experienced member of the group took a slow drink of his pint and uttered the immortal phrase “Nay lads. I reckon we should just bat on”. Sound advice indeed.
Bat on Sara, Geoff and every other Barefooter.
The Barefoot Bohemian.
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